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Reiki Workshop - September 24th, 2016

Jaclyn Kalkhurst

If you have never experienced energy healing before, this is a great workshop for you. This workshop is geared to show you exactly what energy healing means and the amazing benefits behind it to lead a fuller and healthier life. If you are a current Reiki practitioner of any level, you are more than welcome to share your wealth of knowledge and to practice your craft during this workshop. There are over 36 different schools of Reiki. The more knowledge we share the better! For this workshop I will start with a simple grounding meditation to better activate our energy systems and to bring you fully present in the moment. Then I will do an energy ball exercise to show you what people mean by energy healing and how this relates to the practice of Reiki. After that, we will do a small exercise with each other to show you what it means to exchange and heal with energy. And, saving the best for last, everyone will get a chance to experience a Reiki healing sample done on a certain part of you body of your choosing. We will often pair up or group together around the massage bed. Depending on the flow of the group. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to message me on FB or shoot me an e-mail at

Please RSVP to I look forward to seeing everyone there! $20.00 fee per person With all the love in the world, Jaclyn

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